Blog Category - Music Lessons

10 Tips for Developing Your Classical Singing Technique

Did you know the lowest note ever sung was a G-7 (G minus 7), which is eight octaves below the lowest G a piano can play? At 0.189 Hz, Tim Storms holds the world record.

But you don’t have to sing that low to want to improve your classical singing abilities. Whether you have a higher or lower vocal range, you should consider some tips to sing better.

1. Work on Breath Support

One of the most important tips to help with classical singing is to have good breath control and support. Work on breathing from your diaphragm, which is the muscle below your lungs that helps your lungs expand with air.

Breathing from the diaphragm allows you to take in more air, so you can sing longer phrases. Meanwhile, if you breathe from your chest and raise your shoulders, you won’t have as much air.

Work on breath support with exercises like 4-7-8. In this exercise, you breathe in over four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and breathe out over eight seconds.

2. Improve Your Posture

Along with good breath support, nice posture is essential when learning to sing. Ideally, you’d stand to sing, but you can sit if absolutely necessary.

Either way, make sure you sit or stand up straight. That way, your abdomen can expand in all directions as you breathe in, which allows you to take deeper breaths.

Picture a piece of string attached to your head pulling your head up. Avoid hunching over, and make sure you don’t lock your knees when you’re standing.

3. Understand Your Vocal Range

After you have a bit of vocal training, you should learn your vocal range and voice type. Your range refers to the notes that you can sing, including some notes that aren’t as easy to hit.

Knowing your vocal range can help you determine what voice part you are. Then, you’ll be able to select repertoire that suits your voice and avoid parts that could harm your vocal cords.

For example, if you’re a soprano, trying to sing a part for a contralto voice could lead to strain and tension. You can work with a vocal coach to determine your range, but there are also a lot of videos online that can help.

4. Learn the Passaggi

Once you learn your overall voice range, you may want to learn where your first and second passaggi are. The passaggi are the areas in your voice where you transition from the chest voice to middle voice and middle voice to head voice.

Those terms refer to where in your body you’ll feel the vibrations as you sing. The exact location of the passaggi depends on your voice type, which is why knowing that first can help.

In general, the first passaggio is about a perfect fourth lower than the second passaggio. Knowing these transition points in your range can help you make those notes stronger when performing.

5. Choose Repertoire You Like

Another one of the best tips to improve your classical singing is to choose the right repertoire. Of course, you should stick to music that’s written for your voice type and range.

However, consider what songs or arias you like listening to. It will be a lot easier to learn and practice music that interests you, so you’ll progress more consistently.

6. Release Tension From Your Body

As you work with or without a vocal coach, spend time working on releasing tension. It can be easy to build up a lot of tension in your throat and shoulders when singing.

Try your best to stay relaxed when you practice singing. This will make it easier to hit your highest and lowest notes, and you can reduce the risk of harming your voice.

Keep your shoulders down, and open your throat to help relax those muscles.

7. Develop a Warmup Routine

Before you start singing your latest aria, you should spend a few minutes warming up your voice. Some good exercises include lip rolls, scales, and breathing exercises.

Use your warmup routine to relax your body and avoid tension. Make sure you warm up your voice a bit each day before your first singing practice session.

You can then do the same exercises at the end of the day to cool down your voice and avoid hurting yourself.

8. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Another vital tip for classical singing or singing of any kind is to drink a lot of water. You should drink water before you practice singing and take water breaks during your practice.

Water helps keep the vocal cords from drying out, which can make singing more difficult. It can also thin the mucus, which can further help you sing better.

However, you need to stick with plain water. Drinking coffee, soda, tea, or alcohol can actually dehydrate you and make singing harder on your vocal cords.

9. Practice With a Piano

If possible, sit at a piano for some of your singing practice. As you read the music you’re learning, play the melody on the piano so that you can hear and match the correct pitches.

You can also use a piano app if you don’t have access to a physical instrument so that you can still hear the notes. If you have the time and money, you can also learn to play the piano.

That way, you’ll be able to play the accompaniment parts, so you can sing and play at the same time.

10. Take Private Lessons

You can learn classical singing on your own thanks to online resources and sheet music. However, taking singing lessons can help you fast-track your progress.

A vocal coach or teacher can work with you to help you meet your specific goals. They’ll also be able to recognize any bad habits and help you avoid them in your practice.

Classical Singing Made Easy

Whether you want to star in an opera or be a soloist, you should learn classical singing. However, it helps to have a few tips up your sleeve to make the process easier.

Be sure to consider everything from your posture and breath support to your vocal range. Then, you can find music you want to sing and that won’t hurt your voice.

Do you want more individualized vocal training? Enroll in private voice lessons today.

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